Find out how the Regiment came to be. With information on historical uniforms, the guidon and some of the buildings that the Regiment has used over the years.
Listen to the Regimental march, find out where the colours came from and other interesting parts of our history
In the century since their formation, the Westminster Dragoons have had many roles: as cavalry, infantry, machine gunners, armoured car crewmen, tank crews in gun and flail tanks, members of an officer training unit, reconnaissance soldiers and CBRN crewmen. A Territorial Army (now Army Reserve) unit set up during the Boer war, the WDs have seen active service from Gallipoli to Palestine, on the Normandy beaches, across Iraq & Afghanistan, and most recently, in Poland and Estonia
In 1967 The Royal Yeomanry was formed under the new Army Reserve, comprising of the Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry, the Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry, the Kent and Sharpshooters Yeomanry, the North Irish Horse, and the Berkshire and Westminster Dragoons. The Berkshire element of the name was dropped in 1984. Today the Westminster Dragoons stands as F Squadron, part of The Royal Yeomanry